Prevention of smart contracts that experience hacking or bugs

Smart contracts will be like the ERC-20 tokenstand, containing digital assets of more than $ 9 billion USD in the year mid 2018 .These assets are not always as safe as we want,because this places a significant burden on the crypto community, especially for new investors who buy sensations without conducting due diligence.To prevent smart contracts from experiencing hacking or bugs, therefore a comprehensive smart contract audit will be provided through rigorous independent review by the auditor team.
"Diagram Alir Proses Audit Kontrak yang cerdas"
1. Smart contracts will be verified against the library about known problems.
2. validate that your smart contract does logic, which is intended here
no security problems.
3. Do gas analysis on your contract and help you optimize it to ensure that you
users who don't spend Ethereum transaction costs.
4. Provide detailed audit reports as certification of your smart contract
after undergoing a strict audit.
With a well-defined process, it will enable the team to work quickly and cost-effectively. After the audit is complete, an audit report will be provided including the results each test with comments for you. official certificates that indicate that you have succeeded auditing smart contracts and your smart contract ready for use on main-net will also be provided.


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